Run A Race

“Possess The land Festival”.  It is our purpose to spread the message of health and faith so that every participant can achieve and promote physical and spiritual independence. Networking, promoting, as well as creating the culture of service through the power of unity and acts of service toward our own community, This event is just one of the ways we intend on helping to build a healthier community and family. The passion for Christ provides the fundraising power of the Walk/Run Parade Festival

Take My Meal Campaign

This is a campaign design to train and inspire Children to give to other starving children that are far away from where they are. Many children do not know the value of food and some take eating for granted but when you teach and make them aware of other starving children who do not have the luxuries that they have especially when it come to eating, they become more conscious of the world around them and they also are more grateful and appreciative of the food they eat every day.

Charity Donation Boxes

These floor standing Donation boxes are being given to volunteers in every area of life, especially the local church. These boxes are designed  so that people can read and see the cause to which we are asking for their funds. In the local church, many will notice the box and can drop their change or check, into the box on their way out!


Children Starving Daily


Homeless on Streets


Sickness Untreated


Souls Unsaved

Emmanuel Village

Abba's Love Mission

Joseph Life Centers

Get In touch and Don't Hold back. God is waiting for you!

Drop us a line anytime, and  will respond to you as soon as possible. We need you more that you can imagine!